Friday, June 26, 2009

LiveStrong Challenge 09

My son Jake rode with with me in the LiveStrong Challenge last Sunday. We opted to ride 45 miles because for Jake that distance was an unknown. No worries, I chased him all morning and we rolled into the LiveStrong village at the Seattle Center finish line at 11:30. It was a perfect day for a bike ride and the course was pure Seattle. Great views of Lake Washington and the surrounding mountains. 

We are thankful we could participate in this event and for the people who donated to this important cause. 

Wishing everyone a great summer of riding.

Sunday, June 14, 2009

Methow Valley Tour

Today Leslye, Jake and I rode the Chewuch loop opposite of the bike races and had a fun time watching the various pelotons go past us. There were over 200 racers here for the fourth annual Methow Valley Tour. The weather was perfect and we hope everyone had a good time.
For more information go to It was fun to see the racers go through town and stop traffic at the main intersection.