Monday, October 19, 2009

Methow Fall Bike Festival 2009

It was a beautiful morning and my son was psyched to race. He knows the course and was confident he would do well. He rode the 11 mile course in just over an hour and came in first in his age group getting beat only by two men, in spite of two crashes.

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

RSVP 2009

RSVP 2009 was a great ride as it always is. This year Mother Nature was kind sending us cool, cloudy weather and no rain. We had no mechanicals and enjoyed the nice group of riders who participated. The only detriment from riding next year is it would be hard to beat our ride in 2009. We didn't get many pictures but we did make time to get the obligatory photo at the border crossing. B.B. Bobke was impressed with the ride and claims he will do it again in better form, whatever that means. If you want to signup for 2010 the ride sells out very fast so get your money in by the first week. It is a Cascade Bicycle Club sponsored ride.